Shimon Shetreet
Instruction for Using the List: The Following is a list of all publications by Proessor Shimon Shetreet. Titles and subjects act as links for further inofrmation where available.
1. Freedom of Conscience and Religion - The Theoretical Framework and the Law in Israel (Academon 1975) 180 pp. (Hebrew).
2. Judges on Trial: A Study of the Appointment and Accountability of the English Judiciary (North Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, New York, Oxford, 1976), xxii & 432 pp.
3. Justice in Israel: A Study of the Israeli Judiciary (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London, 1994), 548 + xvii.
4. The Good Land: Between Power and Religion (Hemmed Books - Yedioth Aharonoth Publishing 1998) 577+ 30 pp. (Hebrew).
5. Between Three Branches: The Balance of Human Rights in Matters of Religions (The Florsheimer Institute 2001) 103 pp.
6. On Adjudication: Justice on Trial (Hemmed Books - Yedioth Aharonoth Publishing 2004), 605 pp. (Hebrew).
7. Law and Social Pluralism (The Nambyar Trust Lecture Series, New-Delhi, Lexis Nexis Butterworths 2003), 349 + xxiii pp.
8. Uniform Civil Code: The Challenge of Implementing Uniform Civil Code for India (MK Nambyar Lectures 2009) With Hiram Chodosh (Oxford University press, to be published 2011).
9. Judges on Trial: Independence and Accountability of the English Judiciary 2nd ed., with Dr. Sophie Tuerrene (from Cambridge University) (Cambridge University Press, 2012).
10. The Executive Branch (In Israel) Basic Law: The Government, Yitzhak Zamir (ed.), to be published 2013 (Hebrew).
Books Edited
1. The New Civil Legislation. A collection of the lectures delivered at the Seminar for Judges (The Harry Sacher Institute, Jerusalem 1976), 152 pp. (Hebrew).
2. Recent Developments in Israeli Case Law and Legislation: A collection of lectures delivered at the Seminar for Judges (The Harry Sacher Institute, Jerusalem 1977), 161 pp. (Hebrew).
3. Judicial Independence: Jerusalem Conference Papers (International Bar Association 1982), Vol. I (112 pp.) and Vol. II (118 pp.).
4. Judicial Independence: The Contemporary Debate (Martinus Nijhoff, Dordrecht, Boston, Lancaster, 1985), xix & 700 pp. (with J. Deschenes, consulting ed.).
5. Role of Courts in Society (Martinus Nijhoff, Dordrecht, Boston, Lancaster, 1988) xxviii & 491 pp.
6. National Security and Free Speech (Martinus Nijhoff, Dordrecht, Boston, Lancester, 1991) xxi & 236 pp.
7. Pioneers in Tears, Studies of North African Jewry (Am Oved Publishing House 1991) (Hebrew).
8. Women in Law (Klewer Law International, the London-Hague, Boston, 1998), 389 pp.
9. Israeli Reports to the XVI International Congress of Comparative Law (The Harry Sacher Institute, Jerusalem 2008).
10. S. Shetreet and G. Barzilai (eds.), POLITICA (Politics), Freedom of Speech, (Davis Institute, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2005), vol. 13, 1-280 (Hebrew).
11. S. Shetreet and C. Forsyth (eds.), The Culture of Judicial Independence: Conceptual Foundations and Practical Challenges (Martinus Nijhoff- Brill Publishers, 2011).
12. Shimon Shetreet ,Ed. CULTURE OF JUDICIAL INDEPENDENCE: RULE OF LAW AND WORLD PEACE . xlv+554 pp (Brill Nijhoff Publishers, 2014).
Law School Casebooks and Lecture-Books
1. A Compilation of Israeli Basic Laws (Academon 1976) 95 pp. (Hebrew).
2. A Handbook for Moot Courts (Academon 1st ed. 1975; 2nd revised ed., 1984) (Hebrew).
3. Administrative Law I: Basic Concepts, Authorization Systems and Institutional Decisions (Academon 1979), 196 pp. (Hebrew).
4. Administrative Law II: Administrative Procedure (Academon 1979), 140 pp. (Hebrew).
5. Administrative Law: Problems and Materials. Vol. I: Basic Concepts, Authorization System and Institutional Decisions (Academon 1981), 561 pp. (Hebrew).
6. Administrative Law: Problems and Materials. Vol. II: Administrative Procedure and Grounds for Judicial Review (Academon 1981), pp. 561-1188 (Hebrew).
1. “Civil Liberties in Jordanian Law” (1969) 1 Mishpatim 113-133 (Hebrew).
2. “The Compounds (Administrative Imposition of Payments for Criminal Offences): Administrative Criminal Sanctions” (1970) 2 Mishpatim 577-613 (Hebrew).
3. “The Impact of the Personality of the Judge on the Sentencing Policy” (1972) 1 Criminology, Criminal Law and Police Sciences Quarterly 125-145 (Hebrew).
4. “Freedom of Conscience and Religion: No Imposition of Religious Norms and No Limitations on Religious Grounds” (1971) 3 Mishpatim 467-493 (Hebrew).
5. “Constitutional Law of Israel” (Review with M. Kremnitzer) by A. Rubinstein (1970) 1 Mishpatim 207-209 (Hebrew).
6. “Exemptions and Privileges on Grounds of Religion and Conscience (in American Law)” (1974) 62 Kentucky Law Journal 377-420.
7. “Some Reflections on Freedom of Conscience and Religion in Israel” (1974) 4 Israel Yearbook on Human Rights 194-218.
8. “Rejoinder” (1974) 4 Israel Yearbook on Human Rights 241-244.
9. “The Case for Restricting Executive Powers over the Judiciary” (1975) 6 Mishpatim 175-194 (Hebrew).
10. “Judges and the Executive in England” (1975) 27 Administrative Law Review 185-204.
11. “Who Should Bear the Cost of Delays and Deficiencies in the Judicial Process?” (1975) 6 Mishpatim 584-609 (Hebrew).
12. “Reflections on the Protection of the Rights of the Individual: Form and Substance” (1977) 12 Israel Law Review 32-67.
14. “A Changing Society, A Changing Judiciary on Both Sides of the Atlantic” (1977) 60 Judicature American Journal of Judicature Society 232-241.
15. “The Yom Kippur War Commission: The Overall Judgment – Favorable” (1977) 8 Mishpatim 74-90 (Hebrew).
16. “Practical and Value Problems in the Administration of Justice”, in S. Shetreet (ed.), Recent Developments in Israeli Case Law and Legislation, Collection of lectures delivered at the Seminar of Judges (1977) pp. 80-98 (Hebrew).
17. “A Note on Government Corporations” (1977) 12 Israel Law Review 406-412.
18. “The Overburdening of the Supreme Court of Israel - The Problems, the Effects and Remedies” in S. Goldstein (ed.), Israeli Reports to the Tenth International Congress of Comparative Law (1978) pp. 56-128.
19. “The Administration of Justice: Practical Problems, Value Conflicts and Changing Concepts” (1979) 13 University of British Columbia Law Review 52-80.
20. “When Judges Err: The Sins of Judge Williams” (June 1979) Canadian Lawyer 14-16.
21. “Remedies for Court Congestion and Delays: The Models and the Recent Trends” (1979) 17 University of Western Ontario Law Review 35-75.
22. “The Limits of Expeditious Justice” in Justice R. Holland (ed.), Expeditious Justice: Carswell Co. Canada, and Canadian Institute for Administration of Justice (1979) pp. 1-97.
23. “Freedom of Conscience and Religion in Israel” in D. Sidorsky (ed.), Essays on Human Rights: Contemporary Issues and Jewish Perspectives (1979) pp. 179-192 (revised version of article No. 7).
24. “Time Standards for Justice” (1979) 5 Dalhousie Law Journal 129-136.
25. “Court Congestion and Delay: What Cures?” (November 1979) International Bar Journal (International Legal Practitioner) 20-24.
26. “On Assessing the Role of Courts in Society” (1980) 10 Manitoba Law Journal 357-414.
27. “Alternativen zum Formellen Justizsystem: Auslaendische Beispiele” in E. Blankenburg, W. Gottwalk und D. Strempel (eds.), Alternativen in der Ziviljustiz, Bundesministerium der Justiz (1982), pp. 111-125.
28. “Judicial Responsibility” in S. Goldstein (ed.), The Israeli Reports to the Eleventh Congress of Comparative Law (1982), pp. 88-162.
29. “The Contemporary Challenge of Judicial Independence: The General Report of the Project on Minimum Standards of Judicial Independence” in S. Shetreet (ed.), Jerusalem Conference Papers (1982) (International Bar Association - Jerusalem Conference on Minimum Standards of Judicial Independence), Vol. 1, pp. 66-112.
30. “Toward an International Code of Judicial Independence” (April 1983) International Bar Association Journal (Int. Bar Newspp.) 19-24.
31. “Judicial Independence and Accountability in Israel” (1984) 33 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 979-1012.
32. “The Responsibility Over Court Administration” (1983) 13 Mishpatim 516-532 (Hebrew).
33. “A Contemporary Model of Emergency Detention Law: An Assessment of the Israeli Law” (1984) 14 Israel Yearbook on Human Rights 186-224.
34. “The Administrative Procedure Draft Law” (1984) 14 Mishpatim 367-398 (Hebrew).
35. “Toward an International Code of Minimum Standards of Judicial Independence. History and Outline of the Jerusalem Approved Standards” in Challenges to the Legal Profession (Eastern Book Co. International Bar Assn. 1984), pp. 37-50.
36. “The Role of the Knesset in Treaty Making” (1986) 36 Hapraklit 349- 384 (Hebrew).
37. “New Trends in the Rules of Natural Justice” (1987) 37 Hapraklit 325-355 (Hebrew).
38. “Judicial Independence in Israel” in Shetreet and Deschenes, Judicial Independence: The Contemporary Debate (1985), pp. 166-195.
39. “The Emerging Transnational Jurisprudence on Judicial Independence: IBA Standards and Montreal Declaration” in Shetreet and Deschenes, Judicial Independence: The Contemporary Debate (1985), pp. 393-402.
40. “Judicial Independence: New Conceptual Dimensions and Contemporary Challenges” in Shetreet and Deschenes, Judicial Independence: The Contemporary Debate (l985), pp. 590-681.
41. “Limits and Promises of International Norms and Procedures for the Protection of Human Rights” in S. Goldstein (ed.), The Israeli Reports to the 12th Congress of Comparative Law (The General Report to the 12th Congress of Comparative Law in Sydney - Melbourne) (1986), pp. 1-103.
42. “International Protection of Human Rights in Israeli Law” in S. Goldstein (ed.), The Israeli Reports to the 12th Congress of Comparative Law (1986), pp. 307-353.
43. “Judicial Accountability: A Comparative Analysis of the Models and Trends” (June 1986) 11 International Legal Practice (Journal of the International Bar Association, Section on General Practice) 38-42.
44. “Who Will Judge: Reflections on the Process and Standards of Judicial Selection” (1987) 61 Australian Law Journal 766-778.
45. “The Role of Custom in Public Law” (1987) 21 Israel Law Review 450-500.
46. “Affirmative Action to Promote Social Equality: The Israeli Experience in Positive Preference” (1987) 17 Israel Yearbook on Human Rights 71-91.
47. “The Limits of Judicial Accountability: A Hard Look at the Judicial Officers Act 1986” (1987) 10 New South Wales Law Journal 4-16.
48. “The Grey Area of War Powers: The Case of Israel” (Winter 1988) 45 Jerusalem Quarterly 27-48.
49. “Reflections on the Contemporary Trends of Judicial Role in Israeli Society”, in S. Shetreet (ed.), The Role of Courts in Society (1988), pp. 158-168.
50. “Judging in Society: The Changing Role of Courts” in S. Shetreet (ed.), The Role of Courts in Society (1988), pp. 467-487.
51. “The Challenge of Expeditious Justice: Maintaining Justice in the Pursuit of Efficiency” (June 1988) International Legal Practitioner (Journal of the International Bar Association) 44-48.
52. “The Scope of Judicial Review of National Security Considerations in Free Speech and Other Areas: Israeli Perspectives” (1988) 18 Israel Yearbook on Human Rights 35-47.
53. “Comparative Comments on the Independence of the Judicial Systems of Canada and Israel” in A. Shachar (ed.), Canada-Israel: Comparative Perspectives (1988), pp. 13-26.
54. Constitutional Protection of the Judiciary (1988) Vol…. Israel Studies (Review of the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies) pp…. (Hebrew).
55. “Protecting the Israeli Judiciary: A Proposal” (Fall 1988) Israel Studies (Review of the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies) 22-28 (Hebrew).
56. “Adjudication: Challenges of the Present and Blueprints for the Future” (1989) Festschrift in honor of Professor Walther J. Habscheid, West Germany, pp. 295-306.
57. “Democracy in War Time in Israel: The Legal Framework in Practical Perspectives” in S. Stempler (ed.), People and Government - The Israeli Society (1989) (Defense Ministry Publishing House, Revision of 48), pp. 158-176.
58. “Forty Years of Constitutional Law: Developments in Constitutional Law: Selected Topics” (1990) 19 Mishpatim 573-615 (Hebrew).
59. “Administrative Judges and Tribunals” in S. Fasberg (ed.), Israeli Reports to the 13th Congress of Comparative Law, pp. 213-224 (1990).
60. “Guidelines for Reform (in the Justice System)” (1990) 8 Legal Studies (Mehkarei Mishpat Bar-Ilan University Law Journal) 59-69 (Hebrew).
61. “Independence and Responsibility of Judges and Lawyers: General Report to the 1991 International Congress of the World Association on Procedural Law in Role and Organization of Judges and Lawyers in Contemporary Societies”, Papers of the IXth World Conference on Procedural Law (Coimbra- Lisboan, Portugal, 1991), pp. 119-186.
62. “Developments in Constitutional Law: Selected Topics” (1990) 24 Israel Law Review (Translation, revised No. 56) 368-430.
63. “The Scope of Judicial Review of National Security Considerations in Free speech and Other Areas: Israeli Perspective” in S. Shetreet (ed.), Free Speech and National Security (1991), pp. 41-55.
64. “Custom in Public Law” in I. Zamir (ed.), Klinghoffer Book on Public Law (Sacher Institute, Hebrew University 1993), pp. 375-416 (Hebrew). In Memory of Prof. Klinghoffer, 20-23.
66. “The Role and Independence of the Judiciary: Need for an International Code Towards a New Global Order” in S.R. Mohnot (ed.), Essays in Honor of Dr. L.M. Singhvi (Har Avard Publications, 1993), pp.75-96.
67. “Standing and Justiciability” in I. Zamir and A. Zysblat (eds.), Public Law in Israel (Oxford University Press 1997), pp. 265-274.
68. “Judicial Independence and Freedom of Expression” in J. Ross Harper (ed.), Global Law Practice (Kluwer Law International, 50th Anniversary of the International Bar Association Volume) (1997), pp. 8-45.
69. “Reflections on Israel as a Jewish and Democratic State” (1997) 2 Israel Studies (Review of the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies) 190-197 (Hebrew).
70. “Equality of Women On the Bench: The Theoretical Reasoning: The Principle of Fair Reflection” in S. Shetreet (ed.), Women in Law (Kluwer Law International, London - The Hague, Boston 1998), pp. 183-194.
71. “Between the Three Branches of Government: The Balance of Rights in Matters of Religion in Israel” (The Florsheimer Institute for Policy Studies 1999), 60 pp. (Hebrew).
72. “Judicial Independence on the Scope of Internal Independence” (1999) Judicial Independence Today, in honor of Justice Giovanni. E. Longo (giuffre ed.) pp. 345-357.
73. “State and Religion: Funding of Religious Institutions – The Case of Israel in Comparative Perspective” (1999) 13 Notre-Dame Journal of Law Ethics and Public Policy 421-453.
74. “The Challenge of Judicial Independence: Constitutional Protection of the Israeli Judiciary” in P. Russell and D. O’Brien (eds.), Judicial Independence in the Age of Democracy (2001), pp. 233-250.
75. “Negotiations and Agreements Are Better than Legal Resolution: Response To Prof. John Quigley” (2000) 32 Case Western Reserve J. of Intl. Law 259-272.
76. “The Challenge of Judicial Independence in the Twenty-First Century” (2000) 8 Asia Pacific Law Review 153-168.
77. “Judicial Appointments in Israel” in A.M. Rabello and A. Zanotti, Developments in European: Italian and Israeli Law (2001), pp. 181-192.
78. “Class Action: A Conceptual Analysis in Comparative Perspectives” (2001) Journal of The Institute of Procedural Law University of Zurich 17-36.
79. “Global Law Practice- Globalization from Below: National and Regional Perspectives” in J. Drolshammer and M. Pfeifer (eds.), The Internationalization of the Practice of Law (Kluwer Law International 2001), pp. 109-125.
80. “The Discretionary Power of the Judge” in M. Storme and B. Hess (eds.), Discretionary Power of the Judge: Limits and Control (Procedure Gent 2000; Kluwer 2003), pp. 73-116. (On the occasion of the 500th Anniversary of the University of Gent and 50th Anniversary of the International Association of Procedural Law).
81. “Judicial Discretion in Israel” in M. Storme and B. Hess (eds.), Discretionary Power of the Judge: Limits and Control (Procedure Gent 2000; Kluwer 2003), pp. 485-520. (On the occasion of the 500th Anniversary of the University of Gent and 50th Anniversary of the International Association of Procedural Law).
82. “Public Law Powers in Matters of Land” (2000) Land - Periodical on Land Issues 80-92 (Hebrew).
83. “Freedom of Religion in Israel” (Israel Information Center 2001), Paper submitted to The World Conference on Racism, 19 pp. Durban, South Africa, 2001.
85. “Resolving The Controversy Over The Form And Legitimacy Of Constitutional Adjudication In Israel: A Blueprint For Redefining The Role Of The Supreme Court And The Knesset” (2003) 77 Tulane Law Review 659-735.
86. “Legal Aspects of Peace Process and Approval of Peace Agreements” in D. Arieli (ed.), Phantom in Politics : Referenda in Israel (Magnes Press 2005), pp. 207-225 (Hebrew).
87. “Standards of Conduct of International Judges: Outside Activities” 2 The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals (Kluwer Law International: Netherlands 2003), pp. 127-162.
88. “On the Issue of Equality of Separate Residence in Rural and Communal Settlements: Was the Ruling in Quadan Case Unavoidable?” (2003) 56 Land - Periodical on Land Issues 27-65 (Hebrew).
89. “The Limits of Caretaker Government” in Y. Dotan and A. Bendor (eds.), Law Government and Society Yitzhak Zamir Book (Sacher Institute 2005), pp. 737-758.
90. “Peace Today: Reflections on Four Foundations of Culture of Peace 2005” in Prince Nikolaus Von und Zu Liechtenstein and Cheikh Gueye (eds.), Peace and Intercultural Dialogue (Universitaetverlag Winter Heidelberg and International Academy of Philosophy 2005), pp. 195-205.
91. “Models of Constitutional Adjudication” in The Legal Cultures of China and Israel – The proceedings of Legal Conference of Zhengfa University, Beijing and Hebrew University (Zengfa University 2005), pp. 198-229.
92. “Constitutional Aspects of the Disengagement Plan” (2005) 59 Land Periodical on Land Issues 39-42.
94. “The Model of State and Church Relations and its Impact on the Protection of Freedom of Conscience and Religion: A Comparative Analysis and a Case Study of Israel” in W. Brugger and M. Karayanni (eds.), Religion in the Public Sphere: A Comparative Analysis of Gennan, Israeli, American and International Law (Springer Verlag, Heidelberg 2007), pp. 87-161.
95. “The Decline in the Role of the Labour Movement: From political Hegemony to Not Dominant Partnership in the Country Leadership” (2007) 16 Kivunim Hadashim 112-127 (Hebrew).
96. “The Relationship Between Religion and State a Jewish Viewpoint in Comparative Perspectives: Selected Issues” (2007) Periodica Vol. 12 96, pp. 205-233.
97. “Contemporary Challenges of Law; Religion and National Security” (2007) 15 Asia Pacific Law Review 137-162.
98. “Law and Language: The Story of The Judicial Interpretation of the Term ‘Dumb’ (‘Metumtam’)” in A. Maman, S. Fasberg, and Y. Broyer (eds.), "Language Gates" ("Sha'arei Lashon") Volumes in Honor of Prof. Moshe Bar Asher, Vol. 3 (Mossad Byalik Publishing House, 2007), pp. 204-224.
99. “Israeli Mixture: Outline for Reform of the Electoral System of Israel” in E. Kasif, Election System (Carmel Publishing 2007) (Hebrew).
100. “Water and the Culture of Peace: Adopting a Kyoto Protocol Model” (2008) 2 The Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs 77-90.
101. “The Role of the Supreme Court in Israel: The Constitutional Discourse in Israel over the Judicial Review of Statutes, Law and Politics” (to be published in Israel Affairs) (Hebrew).
102. “Distributive Justice and State Lands” No. 64 (2008), pp. 26-34.
103. “Models of Constitutional Adjudication: A Comparative Analysis” in A.P. Grinovner and P. Calmon (eds.), Papers presented at the XII Congress of Procedural Law (Gen , Editora Forensa Rio de Janeiro 2007), pp. 769-798.
104. “Constitutional Guarantees of Judicial Independence” in S. Shetreet (ed.), Israeli Reports to the XVI International Congress of Comparative law (Sacher Institute 2008), pp. 19-44.
105. “The Normative Cycle of Shaping Judicial Independence in Domestic and International Law: The Mutual Impact of National and International Jurisprudence and Contemporary Practical and Conceptual Challenges” (2009) 10 Chicago J. of Intl. Law 275-332.
106. “Models of Constitutional Adjudication” in Essays In Honor of Konstantinos D. Kerameus (Ant. N. Sakkoulas Athens & Bruylant Brussels 2009), pp. 1259-1291.
107. “Reflections on the Recent and Earlier Projects of Drafting International Stabdards of Judicial Independence : The Innovative Concepets and the Effort to Attain Consensus in a Legal Culture of Diversity” in T. Wardynski and M. Niziotek (eds.), Independence of the Judiciary and Legal Profession as Foundations of the Rule of the Law: Contemporary Challenges (published in Lexis Nexis 2009), pp. 165-192.
109. “Judicial Independence and Judicial Review of Government Action: Necessary Institutional Characteristics and Appropriate Scope of Judicial Review” in C. Forsyth, M. Elliott, S. Jhaveri, A. Scully-Hill, and M. Ramsden (eds.), Effective Judicial Review: A Cornerstone of Good Governance (2010), pp. 187-207.
110. “Judicial Independence and Accountability: Core Values in Liberal Democracies” in H.P. Lee (ed.), Judiciaries in Comparative Perspective, 1 (Cambridge University Press, 2011).
111. “Fundamental Values of the Justice System”, 23(1) European Business Law Review 61 (2011).
112. “Academic Blueprint for the Implementation of Uniform Civil Code for India”, 2011(1) Utah Law Review, 97 (2011).
113. “Creating a Culture of Judicial Independence: The practical Challenge and the Conceptual and Constitutional Infrastructure” in S. Shetreet and C. Forsyth (eds.), The Culture of Judicial Independence: Conceptual Foundations and Practical Challenges, Ch 2 (Martinus Nijhoff- Brill Publishers, 2011).
114. “The Mt. Scopus International Standards of Judicial Independence: The innovative Concepts and the Formulation of a Consensus in a Legal Culture of Diversity” in S. Shetreet and C. Forsyth (eds.), The Culture of Judicial Independence: Conceptual Foundations and Practical Challenges, Ch 35 (Martinus Nijhoff- Brill Publishers, 2011).
115. 'The Duties of Fairness and Impartiality in Non-Judicial Justice' (to be published, Asia Pacific Law Review, 2013).
Entries in Hebrew Encyclopedia
1. The Court System l948-1984 Vol. 6 (new ed. 1993).
2. Administrative Law 1948-1984 Vol. 6 (new ed. 1993).
3. Regulation.
Other Papers and Projects
1. Judicial Activism and Restraint 67 pp. in A. McEachern Ed. 1701-300th Anniversary of the Act of Settlement (2001), Vancouver Canada.
2. Judicial Independence in International Law, 67 pp. in A. McEachern (ed.) 1701-300th Anniversary of the Act of Settlement (2001), Vancouver Canada.
3. Positive Preferences in Israel, for a project of Clark Cunningham, Galanter and Mennon, Editors Rethinking Equality 21 pp. (2002).
4. Constitutional Protection of Economic and Social Rights – paper delivered at Minerva Centre Conference 2004.
5. Offset and counter-trade as engines of growth in global markets, Crans Montana Forum Monaco 2005.
6. The Israeli Supreme Court, paper delivered at Annual Meeting of the Israeli Political Science Association 25 may 2005.
Conferences Organized
1. Social Development Conference Rishon Lezion, Israel 2004.
2. Trento Third Culture of Peace international Conference 2004.
3. Culture of Peace Seminar Jerusalem 2004.
4. Land Policy – Ben Gurion University 2004.
5. Conference on Basic Law Economy of State Jerusalem 2004.
6. Symposium: The Boundaries of the Judiciary, Israel 2005.
7. Morocco Culture of Peace seminar May 2005.
8. Conference on Insurance Law 2005.
9. Culture of Peace Seminar, Knesset Jerusalem March 2005.
10. Symposium: Insurance Contract Law, Jerusalem 1981, Israel 2005.
11. Symposium: The Interrelationship between the State Comptroller and the Attorney-General, Jerusalem Israel 2005.
12. Symposium: Law of Property: Possession and Use, Israel 2006.
13. Symposium: Tax Reforms, Jerusalem Israel 2006.
14. Colloquium: The Social Transformation of Business Law, Israel 2007.
15. Joint Conference on the Legal Culture of Israel and China: On Law, Ethics, Morality and Society, Jerusalem Israel 2007.
16. International Conference: Judicial Independence in International Law, Jerusalem Israel 2007.
17. International Conference: Judicial Independence and the Constitutional Position of the Judiciary, Israel 2008.
18. Symposium: The Proposed Reform of the Office of the Attorney-General in Israel, Israel 2008.
19. Conference: Legal and Academic Exchange Poland-Israel: New Horizons of Polish-Israeli Relations in the Global Context, Israel 2009.
20. Herbert Smith Visiting Professor ,University of Cambridge 2008 2010.
21. Senior Acedemic Visitor ,Clare College 2010.
22. Delivered the KK Nambyar Lecture 2009 New Delhi and Chenai ,India.
23. December 2010 - received the International Jurists Award 2010 New - Delhi (along with the head of the courts in England (Lord Judge).
24. Delivered the 10th Fiat Justizia Lecture ,February 2013 , Monash University Faculty of law ,Melbourne ,Australia.
25.Delivered the Kanter Lecture of Interfaith , Old Dominion University , October 2008
26. Visting Professor of Law ,City university of Hong Kong,February 2013
27. Visiting Professor ,Center of Jewish Studies University of Potsdam and Abraham Geiger Kolleg Berlin Spring 2013
28. Visiting professor of Law Fall 2008 , 2011 , University of San Diego
29. Visiting Distinguished Scholar of Comparative Law ,University of San Diego ,Fall 2013
30. Visiting Professor , Old dominion University ,Fall 2009, Fall 2010
31. Visiting Professor ,Owens Chair of Middle East Studies , Tanner Center and Hinckley Institute ,University of Utah , Spring 2014
Conferences in the Project on Judicial Independence:
1. The international conference on Judicial Independence for the Drafting of the International Standards of Judicial Independence, Vadouz, 2007.
2. International conference on Judicial Independence and the Constitutional Position of the Judiciary, Jerusalem Israel 2008.
3. International conference on Judicial Independence: the Challenge of implementing the international Standards, Krakow 2008.
4. International conference on the Culture of Judicial independence Conceptual Foundations and Practical Challenges, Cambridge UK 2009.
5. The international conference on judicial independence; challenges for judicial independence, implementing judicial independence in multi cultural societies and in times of crisis, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010.
6. International Conference on Judicial Independence: Culture of Judicial Independence: Judicial Independence – Essential Element for Economic Order, Vienna 2011.
7. International Conference on Judicial Independence: Hong Kong City University March 2011.
8. International Conference on Judicial Independence: Impartiality and Fairness of teh Judicial Process, University of Ghent October, 2012.
9. International Conference on Judicial Independence: University of San diego August 2013.
10. International Conference on Judicial Independence: Judicial Independence as Essential Foundation of Justice and Peace, Moscow State University of Law May 2014.
11. International Conference on Judiical Independence: Ensuring Fairness in Cases Invovling Foreign Parties in Domestic Courts, Osnabruck University October 2014
12. International Conference on Judicial independence University of Bologna and University OF Bocconi Milan June 2015