Shimon Shetreet
From the Press
What is Peace? by Elaine Sohng 2/11/2014
According to Greenblatt Professor of Public and International Law Shimon Shetreet , peace is characterized by 'four very important pillars:' security and political peace, economic peace, values peace, and religious peace. Professor Shetreet presented a case study of Israel and Egypt, a partnership he believes has succeeded despite serious challenges.
Turkish and Israeli Politicians Meet to Resolve Disagreements 'with Love' by Sinem Tezyapar 1/25/2013
Turkish and Israeli politicians made an appearance on Turkish television A9 TV, and expressed the necessity of solving the problems between their two nations with love, friendship and brotherhood.
The roads not taken - with no regrets by Greer Fay Cashman 12/06/2012
Eminent law professor, former minister and former deputy mayor of Jerusalem Shimon Shetreet turned down a place on the Supreme Court when he was only 33 years old.
Meuhedet hires 6 legal temas to fight comptroller's report by Ronny Linder-Ganz 12/02/2010
Organization reacts to comptroller's report on alleged misuse of funds by senior Meuhedet executiives.