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Culture of Peace

Culture of Peace is an on-going international project by Religion for PeaceIn Organization (RPO), which was in turn founded by Professor Shimon Shetreet.


Project Culture of Peace was first launched in 1998, following a concept that for a true and lasting peace mankind must first build four strong foundations. The first and traditional foundation of peace is that of political-security peace. But the political foundation alone is not enough to hold peace together. Three equally important pillars of peace, the economic foundation, the cultural foundation and the religious foundation must accompany it. 
Situations dictate that it is not always possible to work on one or other foundation of peace. Nevertheless, it is important that the lines of communication are kept open and that all parties continue to work with what is available to them at any one time. 


The Seminars and Conferences

A Culture of Peace series of seminars and conferences, under the auspices of RPO International and others, have been held since 1998.
The first conference was hel in Morroco in July 1998, in cooperation with Robert Assaraf, distinguished businessman and public leader. Following that 
In February 1999, a conference was held in Jordan in cooperation with the Royal Center for Religious Studies, under the auspices of Crown Prince Hassan. In March 1999 another conference was held in Egypt with the participation of several distinguished Muslim religious leaders. 


In July 2001, a conference was held in Gaflei, Liechtenstein, co-hosted by the International Academy for Philosophy, on the Foundation of Peace in Philosophy and Religion.



In July 2002, a seminar was held in Jerusalem.



In September 2002 The Conference 2nd International Culture of Peace conference on the subject: "Foundations of Peace in Philosophy, Religion, Economy & Law" was held in Rhodes, Jerusalem and Aqaba in September 2002. 


In November 2002, a seminar was held in Milano, Italy, in cooperation with University of Milan. 


In February 2004, a conference was held in Trento "Building Peace Respecting Identities", in association with Gandhi Center for Peace, Amman and Horizon Centre, Amman. 




In May 2005 a conference "Challenges of Peace Culture: Economical and Cultural Peace" will be held in Morocco, with participation of Moroccan public figures.


For more information on the activity of the Culture of Peace between 2007-2019,  please see here.


For more information on the activity of the Culture of Peace between 1998-2005,  please see here.


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